Archived Sites

About pages which are no longer updated

Over the years, Planet Bods has had a wide range of content. However sometimes we feel the need to close down a particular section.

This may happen for a number of reasons:

So every now and then we decide to stop updating a section.

In the past when this would happen, we would probably just delete the content from the server. However we're now intending to leave the sites on our servers but with a highly visible marking to ensure people viewing the page are aware that it is not up to date content. This is what we call mothballing.

Generally we will keep the site looking exactly as it did when we mothballed it - although we may choose to remove some navigational links from the page. All the code is flattened and all related files moved to a separate location to ensure changes to the main site don't affect archived content. There may however be some links to non archived pages which may not work or look the same as they did before.

Which sections have been archived, and why?

The following sections have been archived:

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